Progress Updates of ABCP
On August 6, a new website for the ABCP was uploaded to the GeoCities domain. This site has photographs, the 1997 Annual Report, a page of information about the country of Tanzania, the site of the ABCP, and other information. It will begin to serve as the primary information source for the ABCP.
At the end of July, 1997, the first Annual Report and Newsletter was mailed out to contributors to the ABCP. This information profiled the work of the project for the first year of its existence.
In February, 1997, Mr. Chuwa began work in the field on the project. Since the required funds needed for his "Wish List" were deficient, he scaled down his plans and cleared a smaller site donated by someone in his town. An attendant was hired for several months and blackwood seeds were germinated. Mr. Chuwa instructed a group of people about how to germinate and care for blackwood trees. 500 seedlings were subsequently transplanted into pots in April. It will take about 15 months of care before they will be of a size and hardiness to allow transplanting into the open lands surrounding Moshi, Tanzania.
On Nov. 20, 1996, the results of the fundraising appeal were sent to be deposited in the National Bank of Commerce, Arusha, Tanzania for use to implement the project. $1200 (US) was the initial funding.
The African Blackwood Conservation Project officially had its beginning on June 10, 1996 with the mailing of 180 letters in a fundraising appeal. This appeal was targeted to an audience of both plain turners and ornamental turners. As this effort progresses, updates on the status of the project will be posted here.
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World-Wide Web presentation Copyright © 1996, James
E. Harris. All Rights Reserved.
Last revised Aug. 15, 1997.