On May 10-12, 1996, an ornamental turning conference
was held in Kansas City at the University of Missouri Kansas City
campus. At this conference, my ornamentally turned clock tower was honored by being awarded the
Friendship Cup. This tradition was initiated by Mr. Roger Davies,
currently serving as editor of the Bulletin of the Society of
Ornamental Turners, in 1991 at Oil City, Pennsylvania with his
generous personal donation of a silver trophy cup. He presented
this cup to American ornamental turners on behalf of the Society
of Ornamental Turners to award each year to the piece of work
judged to be the best example of ornamental turning displayed at
that year's exhibition and meeting. I am grateful to my OT peers
who have so recognized my work. There were many examples of very
beautiful work exhibited by many talented ornamental turners. To
have a piece of my work singled out in such excellent company is
the highest compliment that could be given. Thank you very much.
World-Wide Web presentation Copyright © 1996,
James E. Harris. All Rights Reserved.
Last revised June 18, 1996.