Introduction/Index to the Gallery

In the following pages, you may take a virtual tour through a photographic gallery of some of my ornamental turning. The gallery is set up in four sections: three of woodwork, Perfume Bottles, Boxes and Special Projects; and the fourth, sample pages wallpapered with a wood useful for ornamental turning. You may start the tour by clicking on one of these four links or a thumbnail image above. Below is an index of all the images displayed in the gallery and you may access any particular exhibit by clicking on its code number. Each image in the gallery is a link to the next image in the tour, and there are also navigation buttons in a bar on the bottom of the page. This navigation bar on every exhibit page can bring you back to this page, and from here you may get back to the homepage and its master menu. Some ornamental turning exhibits have detail images that you may view, and they will be marked as "See detail."

Each exhibit image has a unique code number for identification and has a description containing information about its size, the materials used, and design, or botanical information and notes about the wood samples. Information about the design process used to create these works is contained in the previous section, About the Artist/Craftsman. Information about the availability for purchase of gallery exhibits from the artist may be requested by filling out a request form.

A new section has been added called the Guest Gallery to contain photos of the work of other ornamental turners.

Index to the Gallery

Perfume Bottles & Atomizers


Special Projects

Guest Gallery

Wallpaper Wood Samples

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World-Wide Web presentation Copyright © 1996, James E. Harris. All Rights Reserved.
Last revised September 24, 1999.