Ornamental Turning Bibliography
& Information Sources

-Books & Mainstream Periodicals-

* Available from: The Astragal Press. P.O. Box 239. Mendham, NJ 07945-0239. TEL: (201) 543-3045. FAX: (201) 543-3044.
+Available from: Dover Publications, Inc. 180 Varick Street. New York, NY 10014.
^Available from: The Wood Turning Center. PO Box 25706. Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA. TEL: (215) 844-2188. FAX: (215) 844-6116.
Notes of Interest:
Reprints of old books on technical subjects are available from: Early American Industries Books, PO Box 143, Delmar, NY 12054-0143.
Warren G. Ogden, Jr. has written a book on the pedigrees of Holtzapffel lathes, and others have written interesting books on the subject of ornamental turning.

-Articles in Woodturning Magazine-

Note: Woodturning magazine first appeared in the fall of 1990. It is the only full color magazine devoted to woodturning in all its aspects around the world, and has been the source of a goodly number of articles pertaining to ornamental turning. Woodturning (ISSN 0958-9457) is published monthly, except August and January by the Guild of Master Craftsmen Publications Ltd., 166 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1XU, England, UK. TEL: 1273 477374 (from the USA: 011-44-1273-477374). FAX: 1273 478606 (from the USA: 011-44-1273-478606). A subscription for one year (10 issues) costs: £32.95, $US70, Overseas £37.95. All of the following references appear in issues of this magazine.

-Other Sources of Information-